A Winning Pitch

Ahhh, fundraising! One of those can’t live with / can’t live without facts of life for entrepreneurs… Sooner or later anyone with the ambition to change the world with their idea will have to come to terms with the reality that asking for money is part of the road they must travel. It can be brutal, exhausting and exasperating, but it is unavoidable, so go ahead and face it head on!

As entrepreneurs start thinking about the next round of financing, it is imperative to consider involvement in local groups and organizations that can help guide them through the process and connect them with the right sources of funds. OCTANe is one such great resource for Southern Californian healthcare start-ups. During the recent Orange County Ophthalmology Technology Summit (OCOTS, 6/17/14), the organization provided valuable insights on the topic.

One of the most compelling points made during the discussion was the importance of having a clear message to pitch. This is where entrepreneurs would be well-served engaging a communication partner that has travelled the fundraising road before and is an expert in crafting fundraising pitches. Bloom Creative has developed an Investor Package for specifically this purpose. It is a proven set of tools that has already helped medical companies successfully raise millions of dollars. Plus our founder, Svetla Kibota is no stranger to startups and fundraising. blog-pq-hansblog-pq-albertHer business plan and pitch development skills were first put through the test back in 2000, when as part of a business school completion sponsored by Hummer Windblad, her team raised $5M for MyDrugRep.com. This was followed by a successful $20M Series B lead by Sprout. She later launched Pomme Bébé, an organic-baby-food manufacturing and distributing business. The work done and vital insights gained from these experiences are embedded in Bloom’s current vision and its focused service offerings.

Ask us about our Investor Package. It can add millions to your startup valuation. Literally!

Orange County Ophthalmology Technology Summit (OCOTS) – hosted by OCTANe. 

Held on June 17, 2014 at the Center Club in Costa Mesa, CA.

Companies participating in the Capitalism Session Pannel – ReVision Optics, and JP Morgan.

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